
Rainy Monday

Well, thankfully I don't really have the rainy Monday blues. The weather was so beautiful yesterday that it's kinda hard to really have it out for Mother Nature today even though she's sending a little rain (which is supposed to turn into a wintery mix later I guess) our way. I have actually had a great start the the week. Got up early and got in a nice jog before it started raining. I love the smell of spring! It's not quite getting green enough to be beautiful, but just the warm breeze is enough for me right now. So, I'm holding on to yesterday and this morning to make it through the rest of the week's nasty weather.

So, I just finished taking my second cognitive psych exam. I feel ok about it. I think it's hard to judge on these tests. I didn't think I did well last time, but ended up with a B, so we'll see. There was a lot of material, and I found it sort of ironic to be taking a test all about memory. haha.

The weekend was great. I have a LOT going on this week, so I tried to prep as much as I could for it, but with being sick and it being the weekend I didn't get as much done as I should have. Such is life. I'll deal with it like I always do. That's the good and bad part of being a senior - you really know how to procrastinate, but you also know how to make it work. So, one test down, one test to go on Wednesday + my thesis intro draft #1 + some gender studies reading notes.

As I was saying... the weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night I got to catch up and spend some time with Laura - someone I miss not seeing every day. We had some good food and went to see Definitely, Maybe (very cute movie!). It was great just to chat and be goofy as usual. Saturday night was Hirt Lab Movie night. So all the people I work with in our lab got together in one of our newly remodled classrooms and piggedo out on pizza and wathed Casino Royal (again, great movie!) which I had never seen. It was very chill, but a great way to spend my Saturday night. Good food and great company - you really can't go wrong! I'm really luck to have such great people to work with. They're a lot of fun, and I'm gonna miss all of them next year. Hopefully I'll be able to come for a visit, and I'm planning on hanging with them at SPSP or MPA next year when I present my project. Exciting stuff.

Hmm.. what else. It's raining. I'm waiting to go to class. Oh yeah, I'm going to see a talk tonight by Robert Saplosky. He's a professor of bio and neurology at Stanford. He wrote a great book called Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. I haven't read all of it yet, but he's doing a talk on it. It's about stress and coping and such. Should be fun.

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