

I was messing around during a study break today, and I found this burried in my documents on my PC. I thought it was interesting. So, I'll share it with you. It's something a dear friend, who I have drifted from over the past 6 months, wrote for me. Check it out.

There is a thin line between what has been and what is to come. It is in that sliver of time and space that you will find every bit of who you are at this exact moment. Nothing matters more than the breath you just took and the beautiful image that just flashed in your mind. For that brief second, you just are. That is the present. It is called the present because it is a gift. Be grateful for the gift you give yourself of being alive and recognizing your place in the world at this exact moment. Love that line you are walking right now that is the present. That line is your life. Walk it. Love it.

Thunderstorms and Big Dreams.

I happen to be listening to the song "Dreaming Out Loud" by One Republic, and it just seems to ring true right now. :) I love it when songs speak to your life.

So, yesterday I made the trek up to Ball State for the Graduate Fair and our Counseling Psych Masters orientation. I had a blast! The odd thing is that my parents called me on Friday saying that I had a letter of acceptance from IU. So, for a brief period I was wondering about the possibility of going here instead. You can't help it. No matter how made up your mind is, a letter of acceptance opens up a whole other path for your future that you can't help wonder about. But, I put those thoughts aside yesterday. I learned a lot about the program. The graduate students we were able to talk to were fabulous, and they really seemed to have a pretty close bond. The faculty was pretty great too. They do some fabulous stuff, and stuff that speaks to a lot of my interests as a future therapist. But, I think the best part of yesterday was the other prospective students I got to meet. I met some really great people, and we almost bonded instantly. It was weird, but great at the same time. So, I hope that some of them choose Ball State and I get to enjoy the next two years with them. All other feelings aside - I know I made the right choice and I am overwhelmed with excitement about my future there. Two years just almost doesn't seem long enough. haha. YAY!

Other than that yesterday was awesome because mom and dad came to B-town. Andy's (my roommate) parents were in from Canada for their second home race of the season, and mom and dad HAD to meet them. Andy and I have been talking about this for some time now. We knew they would hit it off, which of course they did. So, I got back to B-town and hung with them for a bit and then we all went out to dinner at Olive Garden. It was a perfect ending to a great day. Another reason I'm excited about going to BSU - being close to the fam and to my IU pals.
So, today it is thunderstorming pretty good, and I have to get back to work. This week is a monster for me. Two tests, a paper proposal, and a presentation in thesis class. Not to mention all the other things that are going on like trying to find an assistantship. Thinking about scheduling classes for next year. Checking in on my summer job. Planning my defense. Groceries. Rent. Life.

Wish me luck! I just might need it!


Summer Dreams.

The weather down here has been pretty nasty the last few days. Rain and some warmer temps, but still in the 40's. There is some partly sunny skies in the forecast for tomorrow, which I'm extremely excited about, but spring cannot come soon enough. The only good thing about rainy days is that it makes it easier to get work done - although it can be arugued that naps are more highly contemplated on rainy days.

Needness to say I've been dreaming of summer days. Not only because of the weather, but because of what it summer brings with it. I'm not sure I could juggle any more balls at once. My life is pretty darn crazy right now. There have definitely been points before where I've felt this overwhelmed with things, but I think there are more emotions tied in with this year - or perhaps just different ones than I am used to. I'm working really hard to stay on top of my honors thesis. There are so many things that still need to be done, and the weeks are dwindiling. My friends are all talking about how they are SO excited that we only have 4 weeks of school left (*GULP) while I hate the thought of it because that means even less time to accomplish everything that needs to get done. I hate talking about it even though it means being 4 weeks closer to summer and graduation. So, honors thesis, thesis committee, defense date, finishing my paper, applying for assistantships, visiting Ball State for orientation, parents coming down Saturday, roommates, oh yeah those things called classes that have tests and papers, researching narrative therapy, socializing with friends, staying in touch with long distance friends, trying to enjoy my senior year, Little 500, laundry, cooking, studying, meetings... AHHH! haha On the other hand, it absolutely amazes me how much someone can have on their plate and still 1 - accomplish it and 2 - survive it all. Soon enough it will all be over.

So, until then I have been dreaming of summer. I cannot wait to be at home with nothing harder to do than decide if I want to swim first or mow the yard first and then swim before heading to work and reading as many books as I can get my hands on. Oh yeah! Vacationing in SanFran with Cass! :) So, here's to summer and the last weeks of my senior year! Let them be great and full of awesome memories and hard work!



I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter. Mine was cut a little bit short due to the amount of work I needed to catch up on. I ended up going home Saturday around 2 after working hard on my introduction to my thesis. It's always nice to be home. Mom made rubins and I made cheesecake for Easter dinner at the Houck's on Sunday. It was a great night!

But, probably the most enjoyable thing about the weekend was the twin's baptism on Sunday. They did splendidly! No crying. No fussing. It was a beautiful cerimony. I'm very happy to have been a part of it as a proud Godmother. :) I'm very proud of Craig and Emily, and I love my nephews more than I know how to express.

After church, we came back to Gary and Claudia's for some fun and food. We ate some great food and played cards and played with the boys. It was a great time. Then it was back to B-town for me. Boo! I didn't want to leave. Being home this much in the last few weeks has just made me even more eager to have this semester over with! It will happen soon enough. On one hand I'm still thankful for having 5.5 weeks left because of the amount of work I have to do. Although I will say, I've been an extremely productive human being the past 4 days or so. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you really have to. I guess 4 years of college will teach you how to master that huh? haha.

Well, the weather is getting nicer. It's still pretty cold here in B-town, but the sun has been shining for a whlie. But, I think it's supposed to rain like 4 days next week. BOO! I'm ready for summer!!!! That's all for now.


Birthday Fun!

Oh what fun turning 22 can be!!

Yesterday was an absolutely amazing day! First off it was the first day of Spring! I love it when that falls on my bday. The weather was gorgeous! After the last few days of rain, waking up to sunshine and birds chirping was exactly what I needed for my bday! So, I went to class, which was actually really interesting, and then my dear friend Kara took me to lunch at Noodles and Co. Lunch was fantastic. We had SO much food, but it was all very delicious. As usual we had some great convo as well. :)

I then proceeded to go to thesis class and they sang to me. It was a good class, but it was a great reminder of just how much work we all have and how little time we have to accomplish it. Yikes. Dale's so great at cracking the whip! But, nothing could ruin my bday mood. I came home and relaxed till dinner. Of course we went to Cheeseburger In Paradise - one of my favorite places in B-town to eat. It was a very interesting group of people. I have some very distinct groups of friends - rowers, roommates, old rower pals, and psychology. It worked out really well. I have such amazing friends.

Speaking of amazing. My very dear roomate made me her mother's famous 'lazy daisy' cake. Oh My GOSH! It's SO good! So, we came back to the apartment and had some champaign (from last year's 21st bday that never got opened) and cake! It was great times. I had big plans to hit up The Upstairs after this, but was way too pooped. So Kara brough over some Leo and we watched The Beach and ate some popcorn. Perfect ending to the perfect day! Enjoy the pictures!

P.S. I just wanna say that I'm a very lucky girl. I have some truly amazing and beautiful friends. They make life worth living, and make the sun shine even on cloudy days. I am very loved. :)

Cheeseburger drinks are the BEST!!

Me. Britt. and Megan. Psych pals!

Two of my favorite old rower pals who I miss greatly. I'm so glad they were able to make it!

Fuzz. Cass. and Me. Cheers! A couple of the best people I know.

Roomates! Love these girls with all my heart!

Miss Kara Marie! We're so silly! What would I do without her?
THE 'Lazy Daisy' Cake!! YUM!


Rainy Tuesday.

I'm sitting here listening to the rain hit the window of my apartment. It's relaxing. Maybe a little too relaxing. I need to go get busy and eat lunch and get started with my G402 reading notes, CogLab assignment, and thesis work. I might throw a trip to Target in there as a study break. I have a lot to accomplish, but it'll get done. I work well under pressure. :) One of my (many) strengths.

Well, I'm settling back into the routine of class and studying after a crazy week at home. I have mixed emotions about the seven weeks of school that are left. I'm sad that it's that long, but at the same time thankful because I have SO much to accomplish between now and graduation. It's scary.

I'm ready for warm sunny weather and spring flowers. We've had a bit of a taste of it, but now it's back to rain and mildly warm weather. Bleh. Here's wishin for warm weather.

I've had the itch to travel. I've been looking at everyone's spring break pics of the sunny beach and condos in Florida. I miss the beautiful state of FL. In reality I was just there last year, but training trips for rowing for a week in December hardly quench the thirst for warm beaches, palm trees, sunsets, waves, and great dining. Don't get me wrong, I have some great memories from my trips to Tampa, but I long to hit the St. Augustine trail once again. Eh, it'll give me something to dream about. :)


What a week...

Well, what a week that was. I'm back in Bloomington now trying to face the reality that is school. My teeth are doing very well. They still hurt a little bit, and trying to keep food out of my holes is far from fun. But on the whole they're doing great. My bruises are starting to go away which is good. I'm not quite ready for the insane 7 weeks that are about to fly by, but here's to getting started and finished!

To catch up on the end of spring break.....

The end of the week was full of emotions, family, birthday celebration, and babies. Craig and Em came home Thursday night. We had the memorial service on Friday afternoon for Grandma. It was a beautiful service. We are truly blessed with an amazing set of friends and family. It was so great to get to see some of the people who came to pass on their sympathy and love to our family. It's strange who death brings family together almost like nothing else in life. Its a blessing in disguise. We had a good time remembering Grams and making picture boards and gathering things to set around like her craft painting things and favorite ingredients for cooking. She would have loved it. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who have touched the lives of the Alexanders from near and far. Love to all of you.

Saturday we decided to go ahead with the celebration of Craig's bday and mine. We know that is what Grams would have wanted. She was there with us having fun too. We had a great time with the twins, Aunt Cheri, and Gary and Claudia. It was a packed house with lots of food, and love. Couldn't have asked for a better Saturday. Craig got a Wii, which also provided hours of entertainment into the wee hours of the morning and then again the next day. haha Watch out for the baseball game though... my arm is sore!

It was a nice way to end a week that started with such sadness and loss. It made the pain just a little bit more bearable for all of us. Family is something that comes first on my list. It's a beautiful thing, and it's wonderful to see my brother have one of his own now. We are each other's life support, and I couldn't ask for a better one.


Wisdom Teeth and Interviews.

Well, I now lack 4 wisdom teeth. Monday morning came and went, and it was a lot less painful than I ever expected. My surgery went really well. I was put to sleep and before I knew it they were done and I was headed to recovery. After stopping with mom and dad to get a new cell phone (crazy, I know!), I returned home to start what has been a successful recovery thus far (*knock on wood*). I've been eating soft things, following all the directions, rinsing with mouthwash, and irrigating with warm water. Fortunately I do not look like a chipmunk, but I do have some slight swelling. So, wisdom teeth removal has been a success so far!

Speaking of success, I believe that my interview with U of Memphis could be considered that as well. I know, how much more do you think I could squeeze into my life this week?? Gotta roll with the punches, baby. I got to speak with Dr. Rice, and I think our interview went really well. I think I am pretty set on Ball State, but it sounds like I may have some options which is never a bad thing considering a few short weeks ago I was picturing myself moving back to Huntington for a year as my only option. Grandma would be proud, and it warms my heart to know that she's up there with grandpa looking down on everything I do.


I Believe In Angels...

What an unexpected start to spring break. My dear grandma, Mary Ellen Alexander passed away late last night. I am thankful to have been home and have the chance to see her one last time. She did not suffer, but her body simply could not hold on any longer. She has been fighting one heck of a battle for the last 2 years of her life, and has done wonderfully. She's met every obsticle with an impressive amount of determination including losing her leg just a few months ago which is something we never dreamed she would recover from. Thankfully she has made it through with flying colors until she just couldn't fight any longer. That day was yesterday. And with the least amount of pain and suffering she drifted off into that great unknown to be with more people she loves.
I believe that the world works in mysterious ways and that everything works out for a reason. There is a reason I had to come home to get my wisdom teeth taken out instead of heading off to Florida for spring break. I believe this is it. So, I dedicate this post to an amazin woman that I have been fortunate enough to know and make memories with for alost 22 years. She is a huge part of who I am, and I will never forget her. May she rest in peace and happiness with her husband and others who have passed before her.
I love you, grandma.


A Wave of Emotions...

Well, what a week it has been! It's actually not quite over yet. I'm taking a break from working on my thesis write up. My eyes are starting to cross from all of the statistics I'm reporting. ha ha

Well, it's been a very eventful week indeed. I've had a lot of balls in the air. But, two tests and a paper are down, and I'm feeling pretty good about them. It was a struggle. Senioritis is alive and living in my apartment for sure. Speaking of which - senioritis is something that you truly cannot understand until you experience it as a senior waiting to graduate. I always just thought it was a major cop out and seniors should just suck it up and finish the freaking semester. I mean it's not THAT bad... Well, yeah it is. I suppose you can use it as a crutch when you're a senior, but there is some truth to the "I just don't care. Get me out of here. I'm grumpy, tired, emotional, scared, happy, sad, bored, anxious all at the same time, and I'm tired of it!" attitude. I certainly am feeling it. I am torn between wanting to get the heck out of this place, and yet I absolutely LOVE Bloomington. I have had some tremendous experiences here, and have grown up so much over the last four years. It's hard to believe that it's been that long already. My future is uncertain, and that makes me nervous, but I'm anxious to get started with the next chapter of my life. I suppose it is a conflict between wanting to grow up and become professional and wanting to stay young forever. Such a crazy time!

Speaking of uncertain futures... mine has very recently become less cloudy. I was ever so graciously accepted into Ball State's rehab psych masters program! My first acceptance! Let me tell you, after 5 rejections, that one little acceptance is oh-so-sweet! The whole job of applying to graduate school has really taken it out of me, as well as my fellow schoolmates who are doing the same. It's a tough process, and one that should not be taken lightly. It's a lot of work, and there is a lot of emotion that gets put into it. But, finally I feel appreciated and worthy of graduate school! So, I have a phone interview with U of Memphis over spring break, and I'll be waiting on IU's response as well. But, I'm extremely excited about BSU! YAHOO!!!

OK, only 2 more classes and finishing up this results section draft for my thesis and then it's time to head home for some fun... oh yeah and I'm have oral surgery over break... stupid wisdom teeth!


The M&M Me.

This way just WAY too much fun not to share with you all! haha I like my new look! I just created it this afternoon!

P.S. Is it spring break yet???! UGH!


Rainy Monday

Well, thankfully I don't really have the rainy Monday blues. The weather was so beautiful yesterday that it's kinda hard to really have it out for Mother Nature today even though she's sending a little rain (which is supposed to turn into a wintery mix later I guess) our way. I have actually had a great start the the week. Got up early and got in a nice jog before it started raining. I love the smell of spring! It's not quite getting green enough to be beautiful, but just the warm breeze is enough for me right now. So, I'm holding on to yesterday and this morning to make it through the rest of the week's nasty weather.

So, I just finished taking my second cognitive psych exam. I feel ok about it. I think it's hard to judge on these tests. I didn't think I did well last time, but ended up with a B, so we'll see. There was a lot of material, and I found it sort of ironic to be taking a test all about memory. haha.

The weekend was great. I have a LOT going on this week, so I tried to prep as much as I could for it, but with being sick and it being the weekend I didn't get as much done as I should have. Such is life. I'll deal with it like I always do. That's the good and bad part of being a senior - you really know how to procrastinate, but you also know how to make it work. So, one test down, one test to go on Wednesday + my thesis intro draft #1 + some gender studies reading notes.

As I was saying... the weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night I got to catch up and spend some time with Laura - someone I miss not seeing every day. We had some good food and went to see Definitely, Maybe (very cute movie!). It was great just to chat and be goofy as usual. Saturday night was Hirt Lab Movie night. So all the people I work with in our lab got together in one of our newly remodled classrooms and piggedo out on pizza and wathed Casino Royal (again, great movie!) which I had never seen. It was very chill, but a great way to spend my Saturday night. Good food and great company - you really can't go wrong! I'm really luck to have such great people to work with. They're a lot of fun, and I'm gonna miss all of them next year. Hopefully I'll be able to come for a visit, and I'm planning on hanging with them at SPSP or MPA next year when I present my project. Exciting stuff.

Hmm.. what else. It's raining. I'm waiting to go to class. Oh yeah, I'm going to see a talk tonight by Robert Saplosky. He's a professor of bio and neurology at Stanford. He wrote a great book called Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. I haven't read all of it yet, but he's doing a talk on it. It's about stress and coping and such. Should be fun.


The Twins.

As requested by Aunt Cheri - here are some pics of the newest addition to the family! The twins are growing faster that I ever imagined! Both are such adorable little stud muffins!

This is G-man right after his first haircut!

Huddy in his ExerSaucer

Peanut's first big boy carseat ride!

As always.. more pics to come later....