
Love Who You Love

Just downloaded the new Rascal Flatts CD today -- LOVE this song.... Take a listen! :)


Easter, etc.

Fortunately I have had some time to relax and breathe since April started. I was able to have an entire weekend off for Easter. No Caring Arts. No study tables. So, I went home and spent some time with the fam and the Tobster! It was great to just relax and do nothin. It was a brief glimpse of what summer is normally like for me. Not this summer. I'll be taking an advanced practicum and 3 other classes. I'm also working as a day counselor at Camp Isanogel here in Muncie. This will be the first summer that I haven't been home working at Salamonie. I'm gonna miss that for sure, but it's time to move on to something bigger and different. I'm excited about spending a summer in Muncie. My friends will all be here taking classes, and I think it will be a blast. I have a mini vacation planned with Amy (my roommate) to Chicago (her hometown). She's going to show me around like only a true Chicagoian can! I have three weddings to attend/be in as well. So, there is a lot planned. I can hardly believe that it's April. Only a few more weeks and I'll be half way through my Masters! Aims and I just renewed our apartment lease today also. Exciting stuff!

That's all for now -- I'm ready for warmer weather to be here and stick around. I'm tired of these 50 degree, dreary, rainy, April days! Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful!!!


April Showers...

So, I didn't exactly keep my word about updating every day during spring break.... Ooops! What can I say? Even though I was home, I was still pretty darn busy trying to squeeze everything in in one week. But, everything went well. I got to spend a lot of time with Linds and help her do wedding stuff. Always a fun time. I also celebrated my 23rd bday with the fam. That was fun also. So, spring break was a great relaxing break from school.

I wish I could say I got to ease back into school when it started again, but that was not the case. I was thrown in head first pretty much, and for most of the past 3 weeks felt like I was on the verge of drowning in the deep end of the pool. Classes were in the midst of that crazy time the the semester that is filled with projects, presentations, and exams. It was just nuts! But, that's how it works. You'll have weeks where you have nothing to do and weeks where you don't have enough time in the day or sanity to get all of the things done. And yet, miraculously they all get done.

I've also been on the hunt for an internship for next year. We are required to do a 600 hour internship for our degree. There is a list of sites we can pick from, but it's pretty darn competitive. It reminded me of applying to graduate school except now you know and are good friends with your competition. That adds a whole new level to it. I tend to think I can handle stress with the best of them. I've had enough practice over the past several years. But, graduate school continues to push me to my limits. I was at a breaking point at the beginning of last week. I had just been turned down for my number 1 choice for internship, and the stress had finally just culminated. I broke down, and wondered if I was in the right place or if I had the abilities to be a counselor. I hate questioning myself, but I think that it's important to do every now and again.

I turned to a good friend of mine from IU. He is finishing up his PhD in social psych, and knows all of the ups and downs that grad school can bring. He shared some very valuable information and gave me some amazing support. I was also fortunate enough to be able to spend some time with my family and extended family at a birthday party. I am lucky enough to have a family - extended included - that is very supportive and proud of me no matter what. So, between friends, family, and my own inner strength, I made it through! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of those people who support me and love me. :) I wouldn't be who I am today without you all.

The end of last week answered all of my questions and my doubt cleared. I had an internship interview at St. John's Anderson Center on Thursday morning. It was sort of my last option before consulting the list again and starting back at square one. Thursday was just one of those days where I woke up and everything felt right. I had a client scheduled at 9, and the intake went amazingly well. So, I started off with a great deal of confidence. The night before I had facilitated a group for individuals who were HIV+ in my group class as a demonstration, and that went really well. I also took the opportunity to ask my instructor, who also happens to be in charge of internships at Lucina (the one I was turned down for), for some feedback on my interview just to make sure I didn't throw myself under the bus and wasn't aware of it. She said absolutely not and that it was just a fit thing. So, Thursday's interview rolled around, and it went spectacularly! She offered me the position about half way through the interview. Everything felt right, and I knew that I was supposed to end up at the Anderson Center. It was a beautiful moment. I have a very strong connection to St. John's Hospital and Anderson Center. I had three grandparents who worked at St. John's and Aunt Ann worked at the Anderson Center when it was first established. I knew that my grandparents were there with me and looking down with all the love and pride they could muster. It was one of the best moments I've had in a long time.

So, the end of last week ended all the exams and projects and presentations for a while. I have a couple of weeks to breathe before it's time to think about finals. I'm a lucky lucky girl. :)