What a week indeed. My paper is done, well at least until after defense and I have to make revisions. My poster is done, and we had an absolute blast presenting them last night to the faculty and the other various people who came to see. It was a great night. This semester has been a challenge for sure, but there is no way I could have kept my sanity without the wonderful other people in my lab or my thesis class. We've all become very close over the past year, and last night confirmed that even more. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we're actually researchers and scientists at the earliest part in our careers. I cannot wait to hear what fantastic things my honors buddies are up to in years to come. There will be wonderful things discoverd I can assure you. :)
So, here is to finishing the second major step in the finishing process of this thesis project. All that's left is defense on Wednesay and then a celebration with my lab people that I'm really looking forward to. Then it's revisions/binding, final exams, and graduation. The moment I've been waiting for for 4 years now. As the day approaches faster, the more sad I get about leaving all of these wonderful people.....
Here are some great pics..

Lile and I in front of my poster!

Three of my favorite 'social' Hirt Lab women!

Three Amigos! :)
For more info check out our website. They did are really great job with pictures and stuff.. psych.indiana.edu
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