It's official! Defense Day is OVER! I defended my honors thesis @ Noon yesterday, and I couldn't have had a better day. Defense went so much better than you could ever expect. I actually had fun doing it. There were some great ideas thrown around, and I'm excited to see what directions we can take this project in the future! It was such a wonderful experience. One that up until about 11:45 I wasn't sure I really wanted to take part in! Buuut, once everyone got there and started asking me how I was and stuff I relaxed. To make matters even better we were celebrating our last lab meeting later that afternoon, and that was such a great way to end my day. Ed was amazing and brought pizza and breadsticks for us, and even brought a "Congratulations Marla" cake for all of us to enjoy. We had a blast.
It's an amazing feeling to be done. Well, I mean I still have to make the small revisions my committee suggested and then take it to have it bound. But the biggest part is OVER. It hadn't really hit me until this morning when I woke up. I was just exhausted last night, but today I feel like I can breathe again. It's a huge weight that's been lifted, and yet at the same time it's such an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. I don't say this too often, but I'm proud of myself for the way this year has turned out. :) I'm so excited to see what I can accomplish at Ball State in the next two years! WAHOO!
So, graduation is edging closer every minute. It's still a bittersweet feeling for me, but I'm so excited for summer. I think I've planned things so that I will get to say my goodbye's to everyone before I head out on Sunday and then start work on Monday! So, it should be an emotional week and weekend, but I'm excited for it.
Poster Session and Honors Banquet
What a week indeed. My paper is done, well at least until after defense and I have to make revisions. My poster is done, and we had an absolute blast presenting them last night to the faculty and the other various people who came to see. It was a great night. This semester has been a challenge for sure, but there is no way I could have kept my sanity without the wonderful other people in my lab or my thesis class. We've all become very close over the past year, and last night confirmed that even more. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we're actually researchers and scientists at the earliest part in our careers. I cannot wait to hear what fantastic things my honors buddies are up to in years to come. There will be wonderful things discoverd I can assure you. :)
So, here is to finishing the second major step in the finishing process of this thesis project. All that's left is defense on Wednesay and then a celebration with my lab people that I'm really looking forward to. Then it's revisions/binding, final exams, and graduation. The moment I've been waiting for for 4 years now. As the day approaches faster, the more sad I get about leaving all of these wonderful people.....
Here are some great pics..

Three of my favorite 'social' Hirt Lab women!

Three Amigos! :)
For more info check out our website. They did are really great job with pictures and stuff..
So, here is to finishing the second major step in the finishing process of this thesis project. All that's left is defense on Wednesay and then a celebration with my lab people that I'm really looking forward to. Then it's revisions/binding, final exams, and graduation. The moment I've been waiting for for 4 years now. As the day approaches faster, the more sad I get about leaving all of these wonderful people.....
Here are some great pics..

Three of my favorite 'social' Hirt Lab women!

Three Amigos! :)
For more info check out our website. They did are really great job with pictures and stuff..
I feel the earth move under my feet...
Earthquake anyone? haha What a strange feeling to wake up to. This morning around 5:30 my bed felt like it had wings and was swaying in a hammock motion. My desk was rattling, and outside everything was eerily quiet. Then it was over. A few seconds later the birds started chirping, and I lay in bed wondering what the heck had just happened. Couldn't have been an earthquake... or could it? Did I dream it? No. Surely not. Haha. Well, I didn't. Apparently it was a 5.2 on the scales, and most of Bloomington as well as other parts of Indiana felt it. Indiana hasn't been shaken since 1925. So, on this beautiful Friday morning, the whole campus is abuzz with excitement about a natural phenomenon that usually doesn't happen in these parts too often.
Ok, now for news on other fronts of my life...
First off, this week has been hellish. I've been working my butt of trying to get my thesis manuscript done so that my committee has time to read it before my defense on Wednesday. AND we have a poster session tonight for the entire faculty, and so I needed to have my poster done and printed in advance. Well, it's all done. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. The weather has been really beautiful the last few days. I worked my butt of running around the psych building collecting the last draft of my results section from Ed and hurrying to make final final corrections before printing off all 51 pages and making 3 copies of it. But, you know what. It's done. The poster is done, and looks pretty darn cool. It was a huge weight lifted, and I was able to relax the rest of the day.
I'm ready and excited for our poster session tonight. It's a really great opportunity for the faculty and grad students to ask us questions and just talk to us about the work we've spent all year doing. Then they treat us to a nice dinner. I found out earlier in the week that I will be receiving a Excellence In Research award for my efforts this year, and I'm so honored. So, the session will be great prep for defense, and then we're having our 3rd annual Honors Thesis Bar Crawl right after! Wahoo! What way to celebrate with some really great people who I really do love. We're a great group.
In other news, I found out I was not accepted for the Burris assistantship. BOO! But, I'll find something. I'm pretty bummed about it, but life goes on. No time to wallow in that.
Graduation is fast approaching. I'm excited, and yet saddened. I've had an amazing four years here in B-town, and it will certainly be hard to leave that behind and move home for the summer knowing I'll be going somewhere else in the fall. But, such is life, and I can't wait to start the next chapter.
Ok, now for news on other fronts of my life...
First off, this week has been hellish. I've been working my butt of trying to get my thesis manuscript done so that my committee has time to read it before my defense on Wednesday. AND we have a poster session tonight for the entire faculty, and so I needed to have my poster done and printed in advance. Well, it's all done. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. The weather has been really beautiful the last few days. I worked my butt of running around the psych building collecting the last draft of my results section from Ed and hurrying to make final final corrections before printing off all 51 pages and making 3 copies of it. But, you know what. It's done. The poster is done, and looks pretty darn cool. It was a huge weight lifted, and I was able to relax the rest of the day.
I'm ready and excited for our poster session tonight. It's a really great opportunity for the faculty and grad students to ask us questions and just talk to us about the work we've spent all year doing. Then they treat us to a nice dinner. I found out earlier in the week that I will be receiving a Excellence In Research award for my efforts this year, and I'm so honored. So, the session will be great prep for defense, and then we're having our 3rd annual Honors Thesis Bar Crawl right after! Wahoo! What way to celebrate with some really great people who I really do love. We're a great group.
In other news, I found out I was not accepted for the Burris assistantship. BOO! But, I'll find something. I'm pretty bummed about it, but life goes on. No time to wallow in that.
Graduation is fast approaching. I'm excited, and yet saddened. I've had an amazing four years here in B-town, and it will certainly be hard to leave that behind and move home for the summer knowing I'll be going somewhere else in the fall. But, such is life, and I can't wait to start the next chapter.
Road Blocks.
Things that stand between me and and summer:
* Finishing my thesis
* Poster Session for entire faculty/ Honors Dinner
* Honors Thesis Bar Crawl
* Dinner with Helen and Nigel
* 10 Page final reserch paper for my G402 class
* Thesis DEFENSE
* Last lab meeting/celebration
* Health Psych Final
* Revisions of my theisis
* Binding my thesis
* Cognitive Psych Final
* Novice Year Rowing Reunion
* Saying goodbye.... :(
* Packing up ALL my crap (and I have a LOT of it)
* La Cha with the family and moving home
* Finishing my thesis
* Poster Session for entire faculty/ Honors Dinner
* Honors Thesis Bar Crawl
* Dinner with Helen and Nigel
* 10 Page final reserch paper for my G402 class
* Thesis DEFENSE
* Last lab meeting/celebration
* Health Psych Final
* Revisions of my theisis
* Binding my thesis
* Cognitive Psych Final
* Novice Year Rowing Reunion
* Saying goodbye.... :(
* Packing up ALL my crap (and I have a LOT of it)
* La Cha with the family and moving home
Music and Lyrics

I just want to say that I'm slightly obsessed with the movie, Music and Lyrics. I've seen it twice in the last oh like 4 days. The music, Drew and Hugh make for an amazing combo. It's just such a sweet and romantic movie with some great one liners in it. And, I'm in love with the soundtrack. haha. So, if you haven't seen it. GO DO IT! NOW! P.S. who knew Hugh could sing?? H-O-T! hehe. Oh yeah, and watch out for Hugh's amazing dance movies - he has such a strange but catchy hip popping movie. Check it out!
Synopsis: In New York, the washed-up singer Alex Fletcher has a decadent career singing his old hits in amusement parks, school reunions or dinner parties to survive. In the 80's, he was a successful singer of the band POP with Collin Thompson, but when his partner split, his solo-career was a complete failure. His manager and friend Chris Riley schedules a meeting with the successful teen singer Cora Corman and Alex has a chance to be promoted in a show if he delivers a new song for Cora's concert in the end of the week. Alex has difficulties to put lyrics in his melody, but he accidentally discovers Sophie Fisher, who is temporarily watering his plants and proves to be a sensitive poet and efficient lyricist. Their song is approved by Cora, but they disagree about her interpretation, while they fall in love for each other.
Some pics...

Hugh actually learned to play the piano for the movie!

Some great lines...
Alex Fletcher: The best time I've had in the last fifteen years was sitting at that piano with you.
Sophie Fisher: That's wonderfully sensitive... especially from a man who wears such tight pants.
Alex Fletcher: It forces all the blood to my heart.
Alex Fletcher: You seem angry - click your pen!
Alex Fletcher: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just spit it out. They're just lyrics.
Sophie Fisher: "Just lyrics"?
Alex Fletcher: Lyrics are important. They're just not as important as melody.
Sophie Fisher: I really don't think you get it.
Alex Fletcher: Oh. You look angry. Click your pen.
Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex.
Alex Fletcher: I so get that.
Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical.
Alex Fletcher: The best time I've had in the last fifteen years was sitting at that piano with you.
Sophie Fisher: That's wonderfully sensitive... especially from a man who wears such tight pants.
Alex Fletcher: It forces all the blood to my heart.
Alex Fletcher: You seem angry - click your pen!
Alex Fletcher: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just spit it out. They're just lyrics.
Sophie Fisher: "Just lyrics"?
Alex Fletcher: Lyrics are important. They're just not as important as melody.
Sophie Fisher: I really don't think you get it.
Alex Fletcher: Oh. You look angry. Click your pen.
Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex.
Alex Fletcher: I so get that.
Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical.
Little 500, Interviews, and Thesising.
Well, it is officially time for Little 500 in Bloomington. So that means that pretty much the entire town of Bloomington is in an uproar. People are causing trouble, drinking 24/7, skipping class, playing corn hole and beer pong like it was their job (too bad you can't put those skills on a resume), and enjoying the madness that comes with the ever famous bike race. The weather has been beautiful all week, and so people have been really been taking advantage of it. It's always a great time on campus, but it signifies the closing of another year. We're three weeks away from graduation. That thought alone is still a bit scary, although I'm less overwhelmed than previously. Now, I'm just ready - and yet not. I've been having lots of nostalgic moments lately remembering all the great times I've spent here in Bloomington. I was walking through campus yesterday. The trees were blooming and it was a beautiful sunshine day. I couldn't help be on top of the world and yet be a little sad. I have fallen in love with this great college town, and I will be sad to leave it. There' s just nothing like it. While I don't think that college has necessarily been the best 4 years of my life - I do think that they've been great ones. I've learned so much and grown up a lot the last four years. Tears were shed, but so many more laughs were had with some really great people. I'm truly lucky. But, all good things must come to an end, and that's ok. I will forever have the memories I've made, but I'm beyond excited about making new ones and opening that next chapter. I think the best years of my life are yet to come - perhaps right around the corner.
Speaking of which, I had an interview in Muncie yesterday for an assistantship at Burris (Laboratory School) in the counseling center there. It went really well. I think I have a good shot at it, and I think it would be a great position for me. So, that's exciting. Also, on the graduate school front - I might possibly have a new roommate for next year. I met Amy at orientation, and we hit it off. So, we're toying with the idea. I think things are coming together really well. Better than I could have expected. It's amazing to think back a few months ago when my future was so uncertain and seemingly blank. It's amazing to have something filling that void now. BSU - Here I come! Watch out! haha.
So, I'm off to start work on what still stands between me and graduation. I just have a few more (very important) things to get out of the way before I can be free. Oh how I dream of summer days relaxing by the pool or reading in the gatehouse at Salamonie. I can't wait!
Speaking of which, I had an interview in Muncie yesterday for an assistantship at Burris (Laboratory School) in the counseling center there. It went really well. I think I have a good shot at it, and I think it would be a great position for me. So, that's exciting. Also, on the graduate school front - I might possibly have a new roommate for next year. I met Amy at orientation, and we hit it off. So, we're toying with the idea. I think things are coming together really well. Better than I could have expected. It's amazing to think back a few months ago when my future was so uncertain and seemingly blank. It's amazing to have something filling that void now. BSU - Here I come! Watch out! haha.
So, I'm off to start work on what still stands between me and graduation. I just have a few more (very important) things to get out of the way before I can be free. Oh how I dream of summer days relaxing by the pool or reading in the gatehouse at Salamonie. I can't wait!
1. I'm procrastinating.
2. I now have an interview at Burris Lab School in Muncie for an assistantship which sounds pretty promising. BUT, it's just one more thing I have on my plate.
3. I set a time, date, and room for DEFENSE! Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 12:00PM in PY228! Eeek!
4. I need to order bar crawl t-shirts.
5. I need to write my discussion section.
6. I need to finish my results section.
7. I need to prepare my discussion of the discussion presentation for Thursday.
8. I have a poster to finish by next Friday.
9. I love Amos Lee - new singer. Check it out.
10. I love it when my bro calls me just to say hello.
11. It's finally spring.
12. It's Little 500!
13. I need to get to work and stop writing in my blog.
14. Ok, work time.
2. I now have an interview at Burris Lab School in Muncie for an assistantship which sounds pretty promising. BUT, it's just one more thing I have on my plate.
3. I set a time, date, and room for DEFENSE! Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 12:00PM in PY228! Eeek!
4. I need to order bar crawl t-shirts.
5. I need to write my discussion section.
6. I need to finish my results section.
7. I need to prepare my discussion of the discussion presentation for Thursday.
8. I have a poster to finish by next Friday.
9. I love Amos Lee - new singer. Check it out.
10. I love it when my bro calls me just to say hello.
11. It's finally spring.
12. It's Little 500!
13. I need to get to work and stop writing in my blog.
14. Ok, work time.
What a week!
Well what a week it has been. Whew. I get tired just thinking about it. Two tests, a paper and 2 assistantship applications due, plus the every day stress of trying to get my thesis finished and poster made and trying to keep up with friends and family.... That's enough to stress anyone out. But, luckily I made it through the week as I always do. I was pretty exhausted last night, but I aced my health psych test yesterday and so the week ended on a good note. I cam home to an empty apartment (the roommates are in MI this weekend for a race) and relaxed in front of the TV for a bit and ate some dinner. I was feeling better after that. Vicky and I had planned on doing dessert and a move so we hit up Olive Garden and went to see '21'. It was a splendid evening, and the perfect relaxing ending to an insane week.
Movie Review:
I was surprised how much I enjoyed the movie. I had heard some serious mixed reviews, but I thought it was pretty great. It was extremely entertaining and funny with yet a serious and suspenseful side to it. The new starlet Jim Sturgess (of Across the Universe and The Other Boleyn Girl) is such a cutie and a talented actor. Not to mention the surprise I had seeing the star chica from Win a Date With Tad Hamilton - Kate Bosworth. She is very grown up and a far cry from the girl from Frasier's Bottom who wins a date with a superstar. I'm a sucker for Kevin Spacey anyways, but the flick was indeed something I'd recommend. Check it out.

So, great company, great entertainment, and great food (I ordered chocolate gelato at Olive Garden! YUM!) made for a great Friday night. Today I'm taking it easy. I still have lots to do, but I'm doing it at my pace instead of warp speed. I'm relaxing in some comfy clothes and enjoying the sunshine. I'll get around to work in a little bit. I think Kara and I are getting together for dinner and some movie time tonight which will be fabulous. So, here's to a weekend of relaxation with a little bit of productivity mixed in. Ahhh... how splendid.
Movie Review:
I was surprised how much I enjoyed the movie. I had heard some serious mixed reviews, but I thought it was pretty great. It was extremely entertaining and funny with yet a serious and suspenseful side to it. The new starlet Jim Sturgess (of Across the Universe and The Other Boleyn Girl) is such a cutie and a talented actor. Not to mention the surprise I had seeing the star chica from Win a Date With Tad Hamilton - Kate Bosworth. She is very grown up and a far cry from the girl from Frasier's Bottom who wins a date with a superstar. I'm a sucker for Kevin Spacey anyways, but the flick was indeed something I'd recommend. Check it out.

So, great company, great entertainment, and great food (I ordered chocolate gelato at Olive Garden! YUM!) made for a great Friday night. Today I'm taking it easy. I still have lots to do, but I'm doing it at my pace instead of warp speed. I'm relaxing in some comfy clothes and enjoying the sunshine. I'll get around to work in a little bit. I think Kara and I are getting together for dinner and some movie time tonight which will be fabulous. So, here's to a weekend of relaxation with a little bit of productivity mixed in. Ahhh... how splendid.
Night's I'll Remember.
Well, not a whole lot to update. I'm just chugging along trying to get everything accomplished that I need to this week. But, I want to dedicate this post to my wonderful friends and roommates.
I have enjoyed living with these wonderful people this year. I will surely never forget the nights we've spent messing around and just hanging out or the times we spend just being stupid and goofy. I totally have a test today and should have been studying last night, but fortunately my roomies and I had a blast. And Fuzz came over for a bit also. It was a great night! I've always heard it said that you'll never remember the nights you spent studying, but you'll always remember the good times you had - so live it up! haha. See the pics below. I documented! :)
I have some of the best friends in the world. :)
I have enjoyed living with these wonderful people this year. I will surely never forget the nights we've spent messing around and just hanging out or the times we spend just being stupid and goofy. I totally have a test today and should have been studying last night, but fortunately my roomies and I had a blast. And Fuzz came over for a bit also. It was a great night! I've always heard it said that you'll never remember the nights you spent studying, but you'll always remember the good times you had - so live it up! haha. See the pics below. I documented! :)
I have some of the best friends in the world. :)
"True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils."
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