Ok, I've totally been a slacker and haven't posted one of the biggest pieces of news on here since it happened on Tuesday, August 24 ... As the title of this post implies, I GOT A JOB! I am officially employed! WAHOO! What a huge relief and sense of accomplishment! I have really been basking in those great feelings the past few days.
I will give you a brief update for now and you can continue to follow as I start my journey into the working world. :) I was hired at a non-profit agency in Washington DC called Community Connections. You can certainly search them if you just type that in to get a better sense of where it is and what they are all about. Basically they provide a number of services for individuals in DC who suffer from mental health issues as well as other problems like substance abuse, homelessness, and chronic illnesses. I will be working on a team of 8 people as a clinical case manager. This means I get to do a little therapy and a little case management mixed together. It's really a perfect job for my interests and what I have experience with. I will be seeing clients in office as well as meeting them in the community. So, I will certainly get to know DC like the back of my hand. I have a long way to go before that happens though. Yikes! I'm working specifically with a population who struggles with mental health problems and substance abuse problems. YAY! I love addiction! No. Really. It's one of my passions, oddly enough. So, I will be making the commute into DC each day. People out here tend to look at me like I'm a three headed monster when I tell them that, but I think it'll be ok. It will certainly mean long hours and annoying traffic, but I'm 24 and as unattached as I'm ever probably going to be, so I say why not do it. Never in a million years did I think I'd end up working in a big city, let alone our nation's capitol. I officially start work on Tuesday, Sept. 7! Wish me luck!
So, that's a brief update on the job hunt. My apologies for not posting sooner. It's been a little crazy around here. Mom and dad just left after spending almost a week here with us in Annapolis. It was a bittersweet parting. They headed this direction last Saturday and brought a trailer with the rest of my stuff. Again, I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF! We worked hard unloading and hauling it up to our 4th floor apartment. Then we got most stuff put in a spot and settled in. I didn't realize how much I missed some of my things until they were here. Alan and I still have some sorting and such to take care of, but we are loving the way our two lives are coming together as one!
While mom and dad were here we treated them to some delicious Italian food from Italian Market which is just around the corner. We headed into DC to do a tiny bit of site seeing from the car (it was SOOO HOT!) and met up with my cousin Russel for some fun in Chinatown. Russel has lived and worked in DC for quite a while now, so it was really great to catch up with him, and he will certainly be my go to guy for any DC questions! It's nice to have some family close by, no matter how distantly we are related. After our exhausting DC adventures, we had a day to just relax and fart around Annapolis. Alan and I showed mom and dad around downtown for a bit and then headed for some yummy seafood. Can't visit Annapolis and not get some crab! So, we ate at this fabulous little place off the beaten path and had a really great time. The food was DELICIOUS and our waitress was one of a kind. On mom and dad's last day in town we ran some errands and relaxed then grilled some steaks and watched a bit of The Great Outdoors before crashing. 
Now it's back to just me and Alan. We are looking forward to having the long weekend to relax and continue settling stuff in. Then it's work for me on Tuesday! WAHOO! Hope everyone has a nice Labor Day weekend!
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