
Back in shape...

So, I've pretty much been takin it easy and given up any sort of regular exercise routine since I stopped rowing. Talk about the stupidest thing I've ever done. Now I'm 100% out of shape and overweight -- yuck. I've been fighting an inner battle ever since I stopped working out to try and start again. After a few unsuccessful and pitiful attempts to get started again, I just went back to not workin out. It's so weird. To do it with a team is one thing. I am great at pushing myself and I can handle getting up at the butt crack of dawn to work out to the point of exhaustion. But, without that team part it is just SO hard to do. I know that I need to do to get back in shape, but actually getting out there to do it is so difficult. Something that I think most people in this world struggle with.

But, I just got back from about 20 minutes of joggin mixed with a bit of walking. Baby steps. And all the time I was thinking this totally sucks, but it'll be SO worth it! So, here goes nothing. A new chapter of my life is unfolding even as I write this, so I made the decision to add getting back in shape to entering the world of being a grad student in Muncie.

Words of encouragement are welcome! I need all the help I can get with this one.... Time to shower!

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