

Well, it is Friday afternoon, and I have some time to kill before my last class of the week. I'm actually not a huge fan of Health Psych, but then again at this point in my college career I don't seem to be too fond of class in general. This might strike you as peculiar since I'm signing my soul over (or at least trying) to at least 2 more years of schooling before hitting up the real world for all its glory. But, it's a senior thing. I hear it's normal.

Speaking of that whole graduate school thing... Well it's been a rough go. I've heard back from everywhere I applied except Ball State's Masters program. I was pretty freaked out for a few days simply because it's hard not to feel like a failure when you're being rejected by schools no matter how impersonal the decision and process is. Its hard being the kid in the family who never quite gets it right the first time through. I mean I always get it right eventually, but it seems as if I take a bit longer and go through a few more hoops than Craig ever did. I know. I know. It's not fair to compare yourself to your siblings, but hey, it's normal. And it's not a BAD thing. I know I am my own person. I also am well aware of the traits I possess that are, shall we say, better than my brother's, and I'm cool with that. So, now that I've wasted (yes, in my opinion it's wasted) more money on applying to two more grad school programs - Memphis and IU - I'm back to waiting. I hope to hear from BSU soon, but probably won't hear back from the other two for a bit since the deadline isn't until tomorrow. Que sera, sera!

All I know is that I'm ready for spring! NOW! The cold dreary weather of B-town is starting to bring me down. It's such a dreadful thing. I'm so ready to not have to lug around my heavy winter coat and gloves and extra socks. Shorts, T-shirt, and flip-flops are my outfit of choice. I can't wait to see new growth and green. Spring might perhaps be my favorite season. What a beautiful time - and of course my birthday is always thrown in there too!

Ok, enough for now. I'm ready for the weekend... Lots of studying and some fun with some great people. I have 2 tests and my introduction to tackle next week before spring break starts, so I have my work cut out for me. Buuuuut, I'm not all about all work and no play, so I scheduled some dinner/movie time with Fuzz , and then Saturday night is Hirt Lab Movie Night so I'm really excited about that! :)


My First Post!

Well, I've been reading Stacey's blog, and I decided since I'm about to graduate that I should start blogging again. I used to do Xanga, but I have long since stopped doing it. Lack of time and ambition. But, I got to thinking that there are quite a few people who might like to keep tabs on me. this is so much easier than trying to send an email to people all the time. So, here ya go! Now lets just hope I stick to my guns and keep writing!